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Korea Transportation Safety Authority _ Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Road Vehicle by Region

Standardized and registered road sector greenhouse gas emissions by region and vehicle type from 2012 to 2019 (unit: 1,000 tons CO2eq)
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Korea Transportation Safety Authority _ Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Road Vehicle by Region

File data information Download metadata Provides based metadata.

A file data information table with a Korea Transportation Safety Authority _ Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Road Vehicle by Region indicates information such as classification system, provider, etc.
File Name Korea Transportation Safety Authority_Greenhouse gas emissions in road sector by region and vehicle type_20181231
Classified Transportation and logistics - Logistics, etc. Retention
Department Department NO
Retention Sustainable Transport and Logistics Development Act Collected by Greenhouse gas emission survey
Update Cycle yearly Next Registration Date 2023-11-15
Media Type Text All Rows 119
File Extension CSV Download 2580
Data Limit Keyword Eco-drive, economic driving, greenhouse gas emissions
Registered 2020-07-22 Edited 2022-11-18
Provided Download from open data Portal (the original text file registration)
Description Standardized and registered road sector greenhouse gas emissions by region and vehicle type from 2012 to 2019 (unit: 1,000 tons CO2eq)
Payment free Criteria for Additional Costs Case
Scope of License The use permission range limitless
The Public Data Utilization Support Center automatically converts and provides open-format file data of three or more steps open to public data portals into open APIs (RestAPI-based JSON/XML).
To use the open API, you need to sign up for a public data portal membership and apply for utilization. For inquiries about utilization, please contact the Public Data Utilization Support Center.
File data can be used by downloading without logging in.
Korea Transportation Safety Authority _ Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Road Vehicle by Region

Open API Information Download metadata Provides based metadata.

Korea Transportation Safety Authority _ Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Road Vehicle by Region Information such as classification and provision of file data information system
Service Korea Transportation Safety Authority_Greenhouse gas emissions in road sector by region and vehicle type_20181231
Classification System Transportation and logistics - Logistics, etc. Provider
Management Agency Public Data Utilization Support Center Management agency phone number 1566-0025
Basis For Retention Sustainable Transport and Logistics Development Act Collection Method Greenhouse gas emission survey
Update Cycle yearly Next Enrollment Date 2023-11-15
Media Type Text Whole Row 119
Extension XML, JSON Application For Use 2
Data Limit Keyword Eco-drive, economic driving, greenhouse gas emissions
Enrollment 2020-07-22 Correction 2022-11-18
Form Of Provision Download from open data Portal (the original text file registration)
Explanation Standardized and registered road sector greenhouse gas emissions by region and vehicle type from 2012 to 2019 (unit: 1,000 tons CO2eq)
Other Notes
Payment free Charge Standard And Unit Case
Scope Of Use The use permission range limitless