Request Mediation of Disputes

The Request Mediation of Disputes is processed alongside the following law: “Articles 31 and 32 of the ACT ON PROMOTION OF THE PROVISION AND USE OF PUBLIC DATA”.
The request can be made through either the Open Data Medication Committee's website, the portal itself, or any other means of contact such as FAX, phone, or email.
* You may submit a dispute request within 60 days of being noticed rejection of provision.

Dispute Mediation Application

STEP 1 Reception and

The Request Mediation of Disputes maybe be submitted through the portal website, mail, fax or by visiting us after provision of requested public data is rejected. Either applicant or an acquaintance may submit the application and this process may also be conducted during consulting following the dispute. After the case is accepted, both the applicant and disputant will be informed.

STEP 2 Fact confirmation and sharing

The contact availability of the manager of your case will extend to a direct phone line, as well as email or fax. The manager will utilize as accordingly to collect information and data as is seen fit; based on the investigation, he/she will submit a report and will refer it to the committee.

STEP 3 Agreement between
both parties established

Before the committee starts on a decision, they will recommend both parties to try and talk it out and reach an amicable solution for both sides. If such is accomplished, the case will be immediately closed.

STEP 4 Committee Initiation of the Mediation Procedure

If no agreement is reached before mediation, the mediation process is initiated through the committee. When the mediation process proceeds, it is recommended to present and accept the appropriate mediation proposal to both sides through necessary procedures such as listening to the opinions of both the parties, collecting evidence, and consulting experts. In this case, the applicant or the other party in the case attends the committee meeting and you may express your opinion directly. If the mediation process is in progress and the applicant no longer wants mediation due to reasons such as an amicable agreement being reached, the applicant may withdraw the mediation application.

STEP 5 Establishment of Mediation

If the applicant and the other party accept the decision made through the mediation of the Open Data Medication Committee within 15 days from the date of the mediation decision, the mediation will be established.
If a party wishes to accept the committee's mediation proposal, the mediation letter sent by the committee is signed and sealed and submitted to the committee. If both parties accept the mediation proposal, mediation is established, a mediation form is prepared, and the mediation process ends. If one of the parties does not accept the mediation proposal, it may file a lawsuit or waive it.

STEP 6 Effect

If the mediation decision of the Open Data Medication Committee is accepted by the applicant and the other party and mediation is established, a mediation document and mediation between the parties shall It is believed that the same agreement (reconciliation in court) has been established.

Open Data Medication Committee

Telephone02-6191-2064 Fax02-6191–2193