FileData Detail


Seoul Metropolitan Government_Information on actual real estate transaction price

As information on the actual real estate transaction price of Seoul Metropolitan City, it provides information on actual transaction price such as autonomous district, legal dong, report year, business classification, product classification, site area, management classification, building area, building principal use, property amount, building name, and construction year.

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Data Information

Seoul Metropolitan Government_Information on actual real estate transaction price Information such as classification and provision of file data information system
File Name Seoul real estate transaction price information (frequent)
Classified Local development - Region and city Retention
Department Department NO
Retention Collected by
Update Cycle Occasional (one-time data) Next Registration Date
Media Type Text All Rows 1
File Extension CSV Download 5782
Data Limit Keyword real estate,Apartment,building
Registered 2019-09-11 Edited 2022-11-03
Provided at Download from the engine (providing data URL machinery)
Description As information on the actual real estate transaction price of Seoul Metropolitan City, it provides information on actual transaction price such as autonomous district, legal dong, report year, business classification, product classification, site area, management classification, building area, building principal use, property amount, building name, and construction year.
Payment 무료 Criteria for Additional Costs Case
Scope of License Public Works_Source Mark